Species Account for Tephritis divisa
Tephritis divisa Rondani, 1871
Diptera: other groups: Tephritidae
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Taxonomic group: flies (other) (Diptera: other groups) - County data
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Tephritis divisa was recorded new to Britain from Sussex in 2004. It was first found in August 2004, swept off bristly oxtongue during an insect survey of The Brooks, an area designated as a public open space on the outskirts of Bognor Regis. On a return visit at the end of August the fly was found to be present in large numbers and this led Peter Hodge to investigate other sites where bristly oxtongue grows during September and October 2005. As a result T. divisa was found at Steyning, Lewes and Icklesham, but so far not outside Sussex. He also discovered a specimen in his reference collection, misidentified as Tephritis cometa, labelled 'Avis Road, Newhaven, 2nd August 2002'. The species has therefore apparently been present in Britain for several years. Tephritis divisa is a native of southern Europe. The larvae develop in the flower heads of P. echioides and possibly other species of Picris (Hodge, 2005). The first Essex records were from near Linford and Purfleet in 2007. References
Recorded management for locations with Tephritis divisa
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Tephritis divisa
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